Visualizer: Save

Clicking the 'SAVE' link in the top menu calls a pop-up window allowing saving the results in different formats, which can be selected by pressing the corresponding button in the side menu of the window.

Save as .PDF

Saving the information in the PDF format provides the user with textual information regarding the digests. Saving in this format is most suitable for reading and printing. A provided information consists of the digest's number, publication year, its textual description, and id number of the related PubMed abstract.

The 'Include fast mapping' toggle button allows rendering the legend, located in the head of the first page of the generated file, describing object types:

The 'Include full mapping' toggle button allows enabling/disabling the mapped objects from ANDSystem's ontology, which were recognized in digests:

File generation begins after pressing the button.

Save as .JSON

Saving the file in JSON format provides the user with information containing a description of two elements: digests table, entitled anddigest, which includes an id number of the relevant PubMed abstract, the date of publication, the score of interest for the digest, the number of citations, and the mapped text of the digest.

The 'network' element consists of two parts, entitled nodes, and edges, respectively. Each node contains ANDDigest id, label, list of synonyms, type, color, size, trend strength value, number of node's mentions in the text, as well as the node's coordinates. In turn, the network's edges are represented by the id number, corresponding ANDDigest's identifiers for the first (source), and second (target) nodes, the color, and the size of the interaction. Also, each edge is presented by p-value reflecting the significance of the co-occurrence of the source and target nodes, as well as with an additional indicator that relationship was also established with the semantic templates of ANDSystem.

The 'Include network data' toggle button allows enabling/disabling adding of the 'network' element during the file generation:

The anddigest JSON object is reffered to the digests table. It includes an id number of PubMed abstract, the date of publication, the score of interest for the digest, the number of citations, and the mapped text of the digest:

File generation begins after pressing the button.

Save as .CSV

Saving the file in CSV format permits the user to access the tab-separated data. The file structure is similar to the JSON format and contains mapped objects from digests. At the same time, saving in this format doesn't provide the user with information about node and vertice colors, sizes, and spatial coordinates.

The 'Include mapping' toggle button allows enabling/disabling objects mapping in the digests table:

File generation begins after pressing the button.

Save Network as .SVG

This option allows saving the associative network as a vector image in SVG format. By default, this item is inactive and becomes available after the first visualization of the network by clicking the 'NETWORK' link in the top menu.

The 'Width' and 'Height' values allow specification of corresponding parameters in pixels for the image file.

The 'Include labels' toggle button allows enabling/disabling object labels in the image.

File generation begins after pressing the button.

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